Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hamblogger -- a new site we can appreciate

Photojournalism + burgers. Sounds promising. Check it out: http://thehamblogger.com/

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

666 episodes of Coverville? This calls for a theme show!

One of my favorite podcasts, Coverville -- the cover-song centric, always entertaining music show -- has reached episode 666! Brion Ibbot, host of the show (who spoke with O.O. for this article a few months ago) writes on Coverville.com:

Coverville 666: The Devil Went Down To Coverville
Really, what else could I do for episode 666? You’ll hear songs that reference all things underworldly, and a Rolling Stones cover that will shake you to your very foundations. Maybe.

Sure to be a must-listen -- check it out here, and come back often (or subscribe) if you like what you hear. (Also kinda goes with our new Web Comic, Apocalypse Meh!)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Scott Belcastro posts more art -- have a look!

Scott Belcastro, whose eerily beautiful art was featured by our very own Matt Graves a few weeks ago, has let Mr. Graves and other fans in on a little secret: five more paintings for your perusal over at his site.

I'm especially fond of "At an Immaculate Decimal."

Check 'em out.

More coffee news: $13 Coffee with Jay Caragay

Mr. Jay Caragay, whom we recently interviewed, was cited in a piece on CNN today concerning the, erm, aspirational value of certain cups of coffee.

Aside from the headline, which is just silly (though I suppose we at O.O. shouldn't be throwing headline stones), I thought it was very fair, mainstream coffee coverage. As with comics, another favored topic around here, the world of specialty coffee often gets dumbed down or stupidified in the hands of the mainstream media. So this is a nice little piece.