Monday, June 13, 2011


While we've made a habit of mostly publishing magazine-style articles, Q&As, essays, and opinion pieces, OO has not published much fiction. Sure, we've published parody of dubious humor, and we've published a serialized fictional story in graphic (i.e., comic book) format in the form of Apocalypse Meh.

But today marks our first publication of fiction in its most-traditional form: a prose short story. Now I know 5,000 words of fiction is a tough sell for the short attention spans of the Internet crowd (of which I am one, of course), I'm really very pleased that Tami Levin submitted "Snow Globe" for publication consideration. It's really a fine story and instantly one of the finest things with which OO has had the pleasure of being associated.

(And, on the subject of the short attentions of the Web audience, I'll defer to Winston Rowntree, of the Subnormality Web comic, who once told me: "In terms of the arts I’d consider “conventional wisdom” to be a fairly obvious oxymoron, and I think so would anyone who has the intention of creating something genuine as opposed to something that nobody will make fun of.")