Wednesday, February 10, 2010


While I've distinctly never characterized Osmosis Online as a "blog" (rather, it's a "Web Magazine"), I thought it could be a worthwhile endeavor to have an accompanying, actual blog for O.O.

So here it is.

What's the point? Well, there are a few. First, my ability to market O.O. has been severely limited, and I think from a search standpoint, and maybe "more real estate" standpoint, an accompanying blog can help get our contributors the attention they deserve (I make no such claims about my own articles, mind you. Except maybe the peeing in the pool one. Ha ha.)

I also thought it would be cool to occasionally offer some behind-the-scenes thoughts about the pieces we publish. The thought process, the internal discussions we had, etc. Like the argument Milla and I had about her very popular Sarah Palin thing. I'm not telling you who won.

In any case, I intend to "blog" in the next few days about how O.O. came to be, as well as offer some commentary on the site . . . and maybe some thoughts on other things outside of O.O.'s purview as well.

In any case, I intend to have fun writing it; if someone else enjoys it as well, all the better.

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